Linggo, Enero 12, 2014

Regenerating Threat

As we have surpassed the recent prediction of the end of the world including all natural phenomenons which had come to test our faith, we have received another echoing threat of how we’ll all come to an end. Are we really near to the climax of the prophesied period in which the world is faced with insurmountable problems and global distress of holocaust proportions?
Fresh from last year’s horrendous Yolanda dubbed to be the strongest typhoon, next with the abnormal climate brought by the polar vortex mixed with all arising global issues and country wars plus the hunger games by all drug and rice cartels from all over the world matching the unending extrajudicial killings and many more. All mentioned are the factors or reasons why or how we have created and planned the time of our own ending, we are the one who’s rescheduling it.
 Are we really living in the time of the end today? Yes, each day we are used to question ourselves the same way but the answer is still crucial because obviously we are being trapped, trapped with the fact about how “many biblical prophecies leave us in no doubt that increasingly cataclysmic events will occur before God’s direct intervention in human affairs” but all uncertain conditions will deteriorate as the real end of age draws near.
Many may had given their predictions already and many forcibly believed in another man’s calculation but since oftentimes things aren’t what they seem thus we should never share our ignorance. All these things today happens because we let them too, we let ourselves suffer from a man-made catastrophe  and that’s how we have regenerated the THREAT.//Frecel T. Roque//

Lunes, Disyembre 30, 2013

Engineered Alphabetically

Engineered Alphabetically
                                                                                                 -Frecel T. Roque, BSECE-1

A for Algorithm, the step by step process for me to calculate or solve something;
B stands for my Battery, a device which fuels me during lethargy;
C horrifies me as the word Chemistry surveys my etymology;
D prints the word Deflection, the degree to which a structural element is displaced;
E simulates Electronics, enables me to connect from distinct locations;
F is for my name FRECEL, the next Electronics and Communication Engineer;
G magnifies the word Gravity, a natural phenomenon that gives me weight;
H dissolves Hydraulics, the control of mechanical force and movement;
I grapples Inertia, the resistance of any physical object;
J justifies the unit for work, Joule;
K for Kinematics describes the motion of my point;
L registers the word “Linear actuator”, a motor that generates a linear movement;
M bleeds for Mathematics considered being the queen of all science;
N powers the Nuclear, letting it burst abruptly;
O senses Osmosis for spontaneous net movement;
P attracts Pneumatics for me to control mechanical force;
Q scratches Quantum mechanics to provide me a mathematical description for interactions;
R reveals Robotics as part of my dream near technological basis;
S helps me on planning for data collection as Statistics;
T stands for Torque, the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis;
U brings out my Universe for engineering;
V lets me define Viscosity for chemistry;
W states my curiosity for Watts, current derived unit;
X is for variable itself, very common for algebra;
Y as the stress or Yield at which a material begins to deform plastically;
Z signals the ending of a poem which was Alphabetically Engineered.

Life of Pi Movie Review

 Piscine Molitor “Pi” Patel-- He acquires layer after layer of diverse spirituality and brilliantly synthesizes it into a personal belief system and devotional life that is breathtaking in its depth and scope. His youthful exploration into comparative religion culminates in a magnificent epiphany of sorts.
Richard Parker— is a tiger that is stranded on the lifeboat with Pi when the ship sinks. The tiger lives on the lifeboat with Pi and is kept alive with food and water Pi delivers. Richard Parker develops a relationship with Pi that allows them to coexist in their struggle.
I.             The most exciting parts/events
When you are watching a movie, every scene should never be missed. Even if the movie was brought through narration, it never became dull. Every part was very exciting. But I found the part where Pi ventures the ocean while praying and asking for the guidance of God the most exciting part.
II.            The least exciting parts/events
Every part on the movie growls me out; nothing was least to look out.
III.          The kind of sound used
a.    Music -> endowing  manifestation, manipulates my brain to cry
b.    Songs-> with a heart triumphant message
c.    Sound effects-> dragging to its viewers
IV.         A similar film to this one:
The movies from Bollywood once again touched the lives of people across the globe, it has its own interpretation about reality, and this one is incomparable.
V.           Unbelievable parts
An animal will forever remain to be one. But in this movie amazingly an animal transformed logically as human being. Behind the truth of becoming ferocious, Richard Parker (tiger) continued his free existence with a human being.

VI.         Remarkable scene
A human being coexists with an inhumane creature? Weird query, but in the movie it goes real. The two different creatures learn to communicate with each other. As the movie concludes, the art of saying goodbye was not practiced. And that was the most remarkable scene. I uttered nothing, means nothing was remarkable. Everything was.
VII.       Narrative structure
Life of Pi is told from two alternating points of view, the main character Pi in a flashback and Yann Martel himself, who is the visiting writer interviewing Pi many years after the cat in the boat story. This technique of the intrusive narrator adds the documentary realism to the book, setting up, like a musical counter-point, the myth-making, unreliable narrator, Pi. The reader is left to ponder at the end whether Pi’s story is an allegory of another set of parallel events or vice versa.
VIII.      Synopsis
Piscine Molitor “Pi” Patel is the narrator and protagonist of the novel. He was named after a swimming pool in Paris, despite the fact that neither he nor his father particularly liked swimming. The story is told as a narrative from the perspective of a middle-aged Pi, now married and with his own family, and living in Canada. At the time of main events of the story, he is sixteen years old. He recounts the story of his life and his 227-day journey on lifeboat when his ship sinks in the middle of the Pacific Ocean during a voyage to North America. When Pi let the writer choose what story he prefers, the writer answers the one with the tiger because it is with God.
IX.         Theme of the movie
·         Brotherhood amidst of indifference
·         Religion culminates to one’s personal belief system and devotional life.
X.           My opinion about the movie
Pi asks the lord, but he still suffered. For what, even if he lived the most godly life one teenage could ever live on. When Pi was certain to his comment about his own religion after the novelist asked him upon seeing him saying amen, I then realize that he was right. No one knows what he would be until it was being introduced to him. The movie cannot be defined through mediocre description, but one word might do. Awesome and extremely performed. Greatly undeniable.

Sensing Change

                                                       Dealing with change

Change always wins a battle every time he’s accompanied by his comrade named acceptance, but may lose whenever anxiety drives the battle meter behind.
 In reality, abrupt occurrence of change may cause a vague unpleasant emotion to those who fail to handle it well but upon embracing it gradually with corresponding techniques, one may recover and acknowledge the change that had happened.
Every single person in every single aspect of life from the different corners of the world undergoes changes which may come from varied formats distributed evenly among all of us. Any kinds of those certainly make everyone in turmoil on how to settle and deal with them prior to their own struggles in life. But obviously change disrupts our old routine and can imply that the old ways are the wrong ways knowing that transformation from old to new can never be easy.
Another thing is what Mahatma Ghandi said, ‘be the change you want to see in the world’. His words of wisdom can be exciting when change is done by us but threatening when it is being done to us thus, becoming the doer of the change is cooler than becoming the receiver of change, for it might be cruel sometimes.
Perhaps, change permanently sends trouble to us but every time we endure this process even we resist from it, somehow at the end of the line we can view the better and bolder side of our individuality which was accumulated from the lessons we get from what life has taught us.
Just like how the immature free-living larva becomes a beautiful butterfly and just like how an irritant bud turns into a blooming flower, human should undergo his own metamorphosis from a better person evolving to become the best, and all of his characteristics should be constantly modified by means of undertaking into the unending process of change-- the only constant in this world and is as much perennial as the grass.

Everyday must be famlee day

Family Day

Our world is like a chef’s toque consisting of folds in which each division represents the different ways a chef can cook an egg, and just like a toque, the world also has its folds. In another way, these folds can be associated to how many families experiencing happiness day by day.
What about his sweats every time he drives from home to his job riding on a rusty bicycle along the busy road? Wake up at five o’clock to fetch water with his gallon next collecting leftovers from the neighborhood just to feed for our pigs. 3’oclock in the afternoon he’s set to go for his shift riding on his filthy bike, after that moment until the next day his eyes are all at flash. Yes, my father is a security guard and those were his daily routine. How about your father?
What about when she wakes up at three in the morning, preparing everything for us since then. Her desires to lessen our pressures at school. Are we that pressured? How about the forming of age lines on her face, deep wrinkles. Wrinkled every time she sees us doing assignments, thinking ways on how to help us on her own little way. How about her countless efforts to provide everything which we needed? That’s my mother, my precious jewel.
Those might be very common for they are our parents but it becomes awesome for it is in touch with the magic of their love unto us. Can’t you see they never get tired of doing those, for they love doing it. That’s how they become precious to me.
Are you familiar with these lines, “okay class we will not have our class today.” What do we commonly scream out? It is the three letter word big “yes”. Am I right? But how about our teachers who stood up with us and became our second parents at school. They are part of my novel entitled “The heroes den”. I consider them as my avenger hero. And I am grateful them.
Have you ever say thank you to them? How about I love you? No, not yet, ever? Well say it now I’m giving you a chance, grab it!
Thank you!

Negative brain

                                                                Mind Control

            In astronomy, a star can never be born alone it always has its twin. Just like the coin having its two sides. Just like our face having two eyes. Just like how we acquired the left and the right sides. There’s always a reason behind everything. Just like the existence of media, and just like how it positively and negatively changes our concepts in life.
After absorbing details from social and mass media including television, radio, newspaper, magazine and internet, we are momentarily beyond on our conscious awareness of the fact that those things, the availability of those overexposed media awareness functions as infectious disease which validly disrupts the mental and physical highlights of a person but in slowest way of killing us.
As per definition of media in yadabyte dictionary; it is transmissions that are disseminated widely to the public. It sensibly indicates the clue about the wide range of media’s control. The scope of their reach and its manipulation is almost endless. The limitless resources it offers slowly coats us leaving us blind to define truth from false.
Psychologists has proven the effectiveness of mind controlling for treatment but this thing had evolved to a more efficient and direct mind controller system-- media. It’s controlling us in varied ways; commercials, TV news, radio news, print news and even in cyber space. We might never notice the enticing power of these controllers, but factual results cannot lie. It can never argue to reality that as we walk, as we talk and as we live, we have already digested all necessary and even unnecessary things imparted by all forms of media.
In an article released on October 4, 2010 by Simona Rich it was stated in their “Do you know that you can be affected by TV commercials even if you shift your focus away from television? This is because commercials are so powerful that through the repeat exposure they affect you on an unconscious level. All you need to hear is 5 seconds of the repeated commercial (you don’t even have to see it) and your unconscious mind ‘gets the message”. Thus, even the simplest form of media vaguely destroys the remaining uniqueness within us.
Brain, considered as the control centre of the human body, while media turns out to be the server, gripping a foolish demand which by then activates its common yet ignored power but as it appears absurd it may contribute to our malfunction as a human. For instance; children become lazier as result of what they have viewed on television or they transform to be like their music idols like they don’t have their own identity. These do not occur on kids dominantly, but it widely affects the whole society enabling the crime (media mind control) to govern even teenagers and worse even adults.

Analyzing trends for media limitation alone will not suffice the misconceptions that perhaps have existed for over a century already. The misconceptions revealed as we consider media to contain factual information all the time and using it in the most common way we could use it. This malady procured by several hibernating media influences, slowly reshapes the world’s even structure resulting to severe break down of the real human brain as it degrade the moral sensitivity of an individual converting his thoughts to a deep scar which manipulates him as a human as he can’t think independently instead very dependent even making his own stands to certain things, and worse he is changing his principles of life as what media demanded him to be.
While media is undoubtedly helpful in all terms, especially for communications and information which we can’t hear over the neighbor, we tend to overuse its power, transforming it to be our master controller, though these things were already revealed we can still appreciate media, which had converted our dull world with sound. Media which voice outs our core, media which steers us closer and media which has been present in our everyday life.
Society cannot be ignorant to those obvious facts for even if we can’t realize it, media has been controlling us but in subtle way, in the way which we can never define. It could be either in positive way or in negative way. But in some point from the other side of the coin we can really help cure this crime through appropriate choices, appropriate conscious level for choosing any media parts.
We had already been affected by the virus, but remember the virus can be classified in two the good and bad. We can always choose between the two. But we should accept the aftermath of our choices, as all unevenness have existed just like the sun, it positively gives us light but we don’t know how its twin star beyond the universe shares darkness as  a black hole.

Teacher’s Day Tribute

Teacher’s Day Tribute

As yadabyte dictionary defines it a personified abstraction that teaches, a wise and trusted guide and advisor. It’s a vivid description referring to our beloved teachers. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. What a nice day celebrating the day of the wise men and women who we consider as our heroes.
Enough upon defining them through dictionary. As my favourite teacher always tells us that “Show don’t tell” how about trying to define them with a little action? Let’s try this. For me my mentor is like a simulator while me the student is an airplane, my teacher consisting of a machine on the ground that simulates my conditions while I’m flying, while I’m building air castles or while I have to plan how could I engineer a dream. A teacher the surest, virtual and vivid representation of the student’s technician. As of today as we fail to fly means failure to them. How lucky are we being part of the concerns of our teachers as they build their own future? Every time that the main circuit breaker malfunctions all portions tend to blip or go wrong. But as long as we have our technician we’ll always perform better.
Our teacher works as a compass. We might be perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements or be filled with bewilderment. During a war we could still find way back home through a compass. There might be blockage but the compass is very ready to direct our ways.
Such a weird description but in reality they perform all of it much harder as all of us had thought. With those sacrifices they risk, all of them deserves a big thanks.